Gontz FamiLy Genealogy

Family Trees

Welcome to my website! This website is primarily about the genealogy of Gontz family that is mostly located in the Central Pennsylvania area. I also currently have genealogy information and databases for the Brindle, Divelbiss, Gruver, and Starliper families that I am related to. (See below.)

I am in the process of moving everyone from my personally hosted genealogy databases below to WikiTree (https://www.wikitree.com/). These databases will only remain active until I have entered each individual person into WikiTree. I have included a link to my immigrant ancestor on WikiTree below each link to my databases.

If you have any information that you wish to contribute please use the Contact Form to get in touch with me! Also, please feel free to send me questions.

This database primarily contains the descendants of immigrant Frederick Gantz (Johann Friedrich Gantz). However, it also includes the descendants of George Gantz (Georg Ganß) and various other Gantz families. I began this site in search for my Gontz (yes, notice the o instead of the a) ancestors and found that John Frederick Gantz who immigrated from Germany in 1774 as Friederich Gantz was the grandfather of the first Gontz (with an o) in my line.

I try to enter all Gantz that I come across so that I may help others in researching their Gantz line AND who knows they may actually have been related somehow back in the motherland!

Link to database:

*NOTE: I am no longer updating or adding to the database referenced above. I have entered all of the names from my Gantz / Gontz database into Wikitree. The link below starts with Frederick Gantz (Johann Friedrich Gantz) as he was my immigrant ancestor but you can click on his name and explore his ancestors!


This database primarily contains members of one of the Gruver (Gruber) families of York County, Pennsylvania.

Possible alternate spellings of Gruber and Gruver: Grüber, Groover, Garber, Gerber, Groober, Grueber, Grube, Graber, Grove, Grover, Gerver, Garver

Link to database:

*NOTE: I am no longer updating or adding to the database referenced above. I have entered all of the names from my Gruver / Gruber database into Wikitree. Christian Gruber is currently my dead end with this line of Gruver / Gruber family so my link below starts with him:


Link to database:

*NOTE: I am no longer updating or adding to the database referenced above. I have entered all of the names from my Divelbiss database into Wikitree. William Divelbiss (1823-1891) is currently my dead end with this line so my link below starts with him:


Link to database:

Link to database: